
About Me

5:17:00 AM

Audrey Yap For You Blogger

Name: Audrey Yap
Age: 21
From: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Currently: Adelaide, Australia

Hello Lovelies,

I'm just your average girl who blogs part-time because I'm a full-time:
Pharmacy Student
Mother of 2 Adorable Cheeky Little Bunnies

Sydney, Female Mini Lop
Ollie, Male Dwarf Lop (he's a bit shy)

Sydney Rabbit Audrey For You

Beauty | Food | Skincare | Travel

My goal, or purpose for this blog is to 
Help people with my honest reviews in their decisions

Honestly, even I read tonnes of reviews before I even decide on purchasing a product and/or trying out a new restaurant.
So hopefully, this blog will help someone, somewhere out there.

If you know me, then you'd know I love cooking and cook almost everyday. 
So I thought, why not share some of my recipes as well.

I hope you will find something of use in this blog.
Thank you, and have fun reading.

Audrey For You Life With Audrey Blog Logo

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