
RECIPE: Green Juice That Doesn't Taste Green For Detox and Glowing Skin (Using a blender)

8:55:00 AM

Green Juice Recipe
Ever wanted to try living a healthy lifestyle but don't know where to start?
Well, this is one of the easiest ways I know.


The recommended daily intake of vegetables for adults is 5 - 6 serves.
1 serve is equivalent to about 1 cup of leafy greens/raw salad.
You get tonnes of vegetables and all it's raw nutrients in this green juice.
The best part, it doesn't even taste like green juice!


My boyfriend doesn't particularly fancy eating vegetables, but he LOVES this green juice.

Also, not to worry if you don't have a juicer.
I'll show you how to make this green juice using a blender, it's easy!

This juice contains a mere 5 ingredients. 
Kale, cucumber, apples, baby spinach and lemon juice.
Each and every ingredient is packed full of nutrients and vitamins that are really healthy for the body. Here are their health benefits:

Kale - Lowers cholesterol which can reduce risk of heart disease, contains cancer-fighting substances, high in beta-carotene, makes you feel full to help weight loss

Spinach - Helps maintain healthy hair, skin, eyes and strong bones, aids in digestion, lowers risk for heart disease, contains cancer-fighting substances, improves blood glucose control in diabetes

Lemon - Helps with indigestion and constipation, aids in weight loss, helps to detox the body, maintains healthy skin and hair, helps with high blood pressure and respiratory problems

Cucumber - Reduces risk of cancer, supports heart and digestive health, helps to manage stress and maintain healthy weight

Apple - High in fibre and water which makes them filling and aids in weight loss, lowers risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes, contains prebiotic which promotes good gut bacteria, contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help fight asthma and promote bone health

Ingredients (Serves about 6 - 7 cups)

Green Juice Recipe
1 bunch of kale, washed
2 lemons, washed
9 apples, washed
1 bag of baby spinach (about 120g)
1 long cucumber, washed

 Chop the kale, apples and cucumber into small chunks to fit into blender.
For this amount of ingredients, I had to blend in two batches so divide ingredients into two and add into blender.
Squeeze the lemon above your opened palms so catch any falling seeds.

Add a little bit of water to ease blending. 
Try not to add too much water or the juice will be diluted.
Blend for 2 - 3 minutes until you get a smoothie-like consistency.

At this point, you get a green smoothie and you can even drink it as it is! 
But I prefer it in juice form just cause it's easier to drink.
So, pass it through a sieve..

Green Juice Recipe
And you'll end up with the pupl, which is all the fibres from the vegetables

Green Juice Recipe
Usually, people throw these out but there are lots of good nutrients and vitamins in them as well.
There are loads of recipes online showing you how you can use the vegetable fibres.

I've tried one of them, and threw the vegetable fibre into some pancake batter.
You end up with green pancakes, but it tasted great.
It was hard to believe that the pancakes were actually healthy!

Green Juice Recipe
 After passing all the green "smoothie" through the sieve, you'll end up with GREEN JUICE.
There you have it!
Pretty simple and a great, easy way to start a healthy lifestyle.

Just a tip, since this green juice is fresh, you should store it in the fridge and for no longer than 2 - 3 days.
By the 3rd day, you'll notice the juice isn't a vibrant green anymore but has oxidised slightly into a green-ish brown.
Also, it is advised to store fresh juice in glass bottles as there are no chemicals in glass bottles.

Green Juice Recipe
I use my VOSS water bottles to store my green juice and its perfect, because VOSS bottles look so simple and cute!
In case you were wondering why I still had leftover Kale, that's because I saved some for my bunnies ;)

There are other ways to make juice without a juicer, to find out more, click the links below:
The Full Helping

If you've decided to try out my green juice recipe, please let me know what you think!

Don't forget to follow my social media!

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  1. So much healthy! But this juice sounds really good too!

    1. Yes it is really healthy and tastes super yummy too :)

  2. This looks and sounds good! I'm gonna start juicing up too! Thanks for this.

  3. Love the recipes you share! Think its time for me to take my blender out and start detoxing!

    1. Thank you so much! YES! That's what I've done too :)

  4. Just wondering.. How did the green pancakes look? LOL! One reason I don't like juicing is because I don't like removing and throwing away the fibre. Making pancakes seems interesting!

    1. The pancakes tastes really good honestly. They don't exactly looks that good. Haha depends on what you're after. They basically look like green pancakes..

  5. Great health tips. Want to try this too.

  6. I might try this! I've just started drinking lots of water with lemon juice and sliced strawberries in it, which is way healthier than the Coke Zero I usually have lol.

    Di from Max The Unicorn

    1. Hahaha definitely a healthier option. But yeah, try this out and who knows, it may surprise you!

  7. I've always wanted to drink healthy green juice. Never found out how to do it. Thanks for sharing the process!

    1. You're very welcome :) Hopefully now you can try it and love it as much as I do!

  8. I love green juices! This is such a great post Xx

  9. looks great... can't wait to try it out....

    1. Thanks! Hope you liked it if you did try it out :)

  10. I need to try this!

  11. I think the apple makes the trick, it cover the taste of everything. I'll try this thou, it was a good recipe. Thanks!

    1. Thanks :) and yeah the apples and lemon especially help to mask the taste of the vegetables :)

  12. I haven't ever found a green juice that I truly enjoyed so I will be anxious to try your recipe! Some of them have a strange chalky residue but many of the ingredients you used were ones I haven't tried yet. :)

    1. From the many times I've made this juice, I haven't found it to have any chalky residue so this just might be the recipe you're looking for! Hope it works out for you :) If it does or doesn't please let me know and maybe I can help.

  13. I love this recipe! I can't wait to try it now.

  14. Looks super good! Must give this a try! I do fancy a good juice as long as its not green in taste

    1. Thanks! Me too, and that means that this is the perfect green juice for you!

  15. Yum this sounds great! I have so many of those VOSS bottles too hahahaha

  16. Ah! Healthy food, always great when you are travelling and or getting in shape for the summer. Cheers

    1. Yes! This juice will definitely keep you in great health for your travels. It'll also make your skin glow!

  17. Thanks for the receipe! I just bought a nutribullet last week so gonna try your receipe this week!

    1. Don't have a nutribullet but I've seen it so much on tv! Lucky you! Hope you liked it :)

  18. Thanks for the tips, will try this for my healthy diet :)

    1. You're welcome :) Good luck with your diet! xx

  19. Ohhhh a green juice that doesn't taste green.
    I've got to try! Thanks for sharing!

    1. YES! As hard to believe as that sounds, it's true!

  20. This green juice is loaded with healthy stuff. If it tastes as well as you say, we're sold. We'll give it try after our next visit to the produce aisle.

  21. I love Kale juice and do juicing often. But when I add too much Kale to apple ratio, then it gets too bitter for me. But all is good and I love juicing! xx


    1. That's why I always make sure to buy more apples than kale! haha xx

  22. Yum! Im going to try making this :)

  23. Green juices scare me but maybe I should start with this one!


    1. They used to scare me too. But i decided to just try it out one day, and I fell in love and have been making it every 2 weeks ever since!

  24. Need to try this recipe! I love adding apple and lemon to my green juice :)

  25. It's a good idea to reuse the pulp to make into pancake!! I would always throw it away or use it as fertilizer for my plants.

    1. Yes :) There are many other ways to reuse it as well. But ingredients to make pancakes were the only things I had on hand at that time.

  26. I like this recipe, i want to try this also .

  27. Oh yes. That is one tasty juice! Can you send one bottle to me please?

    1. Hahaha. sorry! All finished. Boyfriend drank everything up. The next day, there was none left! xx

  28. We are juicers too! I use a lot of apples and lemon as well. This looks pretty interesting so I 'll give a go.

  29. I'm not that much of a health fanatic, but once in a while, I do things that are right and good for me. Noting your recipe for one of those days.

  30. I juice for a good 5 days at least every three months so this is awesome! Definitely bookmarking and thanks for listing out all the benefits. Its nice to know what these ingredients actually do!

  31. This looks super healthy. I like your ingredients, but in my own recipe which I recommended in my blog post below, I added a few slices of ginger as well: www.healthtraveljunkie.com/green-juice-health-benefits/

  32. Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.

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